More and more customers are asking about the cost when they buy wholesale sex toys from China, and even many customers don’t know there will be a cost when they buy products in bulk from other countries.
As a sex toy wholesaler, in order to provide better service, it’s our responsibility to let you know more when you start your own adult toy business.
Normally the Customs fee or tax depends on your country’s Customs policy and tariff.
Some countries are very free and easy to import products, and don’t have strict regulations. Sucha as the USA, and Australia, normally when American customers buy sex toys from us, there is no tax or cost if the total amount is below 800 USD, even when the amount is more than that, the tariff is still low, like 5% in the USA.
However, some countries might have a strict importing policy, such as Italy, when you import products to Italy, you need to make sure all items you are buying have a CE certificate, at least there is a CE mark on the package to indicate it, otherwise, Italian Customs might hold your package and ask you to show the certificate. Quite a lot of customers from Italy have been talking to us about the strict policy, and we also have been trying to test some small orders to ship to Italy, we make sure there is a CE mark on each item’s package, and the test is successful. Our customer received the package with Italian Customs even never ask a question. Although we shipped the package to Italy successfully, it’s still a small package, we will still need to test more to see if it will work for big orders. We will let all Italian customers know once we have the result. However, I need to say we have to respect the law and policy of any country, what we are doing is to make the delivery smoothly, but not try to break the law or policy.
Also, the tariff is different or huge different for some countries. Such as if you import sex toys to the UK, all packages’ value of more than 20 Pounds will need to be charged about 17% tax, but if you are a company, the tax will be refunded to you after you sell these products ( this policy is same as most of the other European countries when you import sex toys to EU, so normally European companies don’t mind to pay full tax, as they can get a refund later or sooner ). However, different product categories also have different tarrif, in France, when you buy wholesale sex toys, the tariff is different from lingeries, many European countries have a high importing tax tariff for textile.
Some countries in South America have very high tariffs, such as Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and so on. All customers from those countries need to calculate the total cost before they start to order sex toys or adult products from China. But also we actually don’t have to worry about it, as normally you can sell sex toys or lingerie at a good price in your countries.
Anyway, we would like to let every new starter know that there is a cost from your Customs when you buy products in bulk from other countries, it’s better to check with your Customs about the importing tax of adult toys and what you are going to buy. We can help you to pay less, but we can not help you to change the law :).
If you have any questions about the importing tax or tariff, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to help. We also hope you can let us know your tax tariff when you import sex toys to your countries, so we can make a database of the tariff from different countries, so we can offer more information for new starters.

Best Regards

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